Box Elder Learning Standards

3rd Grade Mathematics

1) Understand and represent multiplication within 100, including one step word problems


❏ I can use objects, drawings (including arrays), and written methods to represent

multiplication as “groups of”. (OA.1)

❏ I can solve one-step multiplication word problems within 100. (OA.3)

❏ I can determine an unknown number in any position of a multiplication equation. (OA.4)

❏ I can use the commutative, associative, and distributive properties as strategies to

multiply. (OA.5)

❏ I can use strategies to fluently multiply within 100. (OA.7a)

❏ I know from memory all products within 100. (OA.7b)

❏ I can multiply a one-digit number by a multiple of 10. (NBT.3)


❏ I can fluently add within 1,000 using various strategies and properties. (NBT.2)

Nice to Know

❏ I can round whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100. (NBT.1)

❏ I can solve two-step word problems that involve multiple operations. (OA.8)

2) Understand and represent division within 100, including one step word problems


❏ I can use objects, drawings, and written methods to show that separating objects into

equal groups is division. (OA.2)

❏ I can solve one-step division word problems within 100. (OA.3)

❏ I can determine an unknown number in any position of a division equation. (OA.4 and


❏ I can use strategies to fluently divide within 100. (OA.7)


❏ I can fluently subtract within 1,000 using various strategies and properties. (NBT.2)

Nice to Know

❏ I can solve two-step word problems that involve multiple operations. (OA.8)

3) Understand fractions as part of a whole or parts of a group


❏ I can recognize and explain the numerator and denominator of a fraction. (NF.1)

❏ I can show the relationship between a unit fraction and the whole. (NF.1)

❏ I can represent fractions on a number line diagram (NF.2)

❏ I can recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions with a visual model (NF.3 a, b)

❏ I can partition shapes into equal parts and name a part as a unit fraction. (G.2)

4) Understand and apply area to simple rectangles.


❏ I understand and can measure the area of plane figures. (MD.5)

❏ I can measure area by counting square units. (MD.6)

❏ I can use arrays to show that area is found by multiplying the side lengths (MD.7)


❏ I can solve real-world problems involving area. (MD.8)

5) Understand quadrilaterals and their attributes


❏ I can categorize quadrilaterals (rhombuses, rectangles, and others) based on their

attributes. (G.1)


The following Core Standards do not connect directly to the BELS but should be introduced/integrated

in 3rd grade math.

Nice to Know

❏ I can identify and use arithmetic patterns. (OA.9)

❏ I can use scaled picture graphs, line plots, and bar graphs to solve one-and two-step

word problems. (MD.3)

❏ I can measure lengths using rulers marked with halves and fourths of an inch. (MD.4)

BELS-(Essential Standards): These standards are the main curricular focus of the grade.

Tier 1 instructional time is spent on these standards to ensure all students are proficient on

these standards. Common Formative and Summative assessments are administered to

determine which students need interventions or enrichments.

Important Standards: These standards support or extend the BELS. Tier 1 instruction time is

spent to ensure understanding. Student learning is assessed; but will not be a focus of


Nice to Know Standards: These standards are introduced and integrated during the grade

as part of Tier 1 instruction.